Saturday 13 June 2009 the garden again (sleepy sleep, sunny sun)

Yeah, the strangest thing happened today. It was such a lovely morning, in fact, a lovely day, but I just wanted to go upstairs and have a nap in the shade. I mean, what a waste of glorious weather. It is/was only the second day of goodness yet I craved for cool and dark. Why, well I don't know. So, as I realised I was being a silly sausage, I decided to lay on the patio on a towel instead.
slept for about 2 hours, I know, sunscreen, should of been more careful. I didn't think I would sleep as long as I did because it was so uncomfortable. Plus the rabbit's were out in the garden and now and then would nibble at me, or worse, burrowing into my side. do I look like a lawn. They don't even burrow in the garden. I'm sure they're just checking I'm not dead. Anyway, after 2 hours, it's done nothing to my tan. not even a t-shirt and shorts line. oh yes, forgot to take off my top. Hmm. So that was my day. Should of put Today I am....reporting nothing.
Oh, tell a lie, I took the Momo to the theatre to see "Strictly Murder", yes, this is what the Eastbourne set get up to of a n evening.
Will save the crit for tomorrow. That way, this blog might be of interest to someone. Or did I mean, this blog might have a point to it? Something, something, blah blah, point to it all etc.
night night

Friday 12 June 2009 a really nice place. (ahh)

Alright, cheesy I know but it's true. But I'm not talking about a state of mind or anything too cerebral; it's just that I had the first opportunity in a week or so to sit in the garden and, err, sit?

What you might be able to see in this pixelated as f**k image is Momo's lovely garden and a white rabbit (Mr Spilaticus) and a mass of cables going to a laptop on a wooden table set.

Now here IS the more intellectual insight as apposed to just advertising a patio conservatory combo: it's amazing what a change of what you see in your peripheral vision can do to not only your mood but the way you can actually think.
As a half committed architectural student at a so thought of, highbrow and very pretentious university, I am programmed to think about space and surroundings in an abstract and also slightly distant way.
I can't walk into a room and go, "hmm, nice. Oh it's lovely and bright in here; I like this shade of magnolia on the walls, really sets off the creamy off white carpet."
No, it's, well as you would have already surmised by my writing style, a little more drawn out and a bit too long winded.
Firstly, I would have to work out why the room is lit, not just why it is bright. is it daylight 'dim me' is mumbling about, if so, what time is it, thus working out orientation and thus how long can we expect it to be like this. This will in turn generate questions such as time of year, latitude and longitude, climate. Also, can peeping tom look at me whilst I'm gormlessly working at this out? Returning to the more static, where in the building is the room, what rooms does it share its walls with? Are any of those rooms a wet room, are any noisy rooms. Actually, the basic, what's this room going to be used for? Is that window making to most of that sunny stuff and will I have to plant a tree outside if it gets too hot? Yeah, things like that. There is more but this list is getting a little dull to read, if not, as I now suspect, it was dull a number of lines ago.
So walking into a room. Not easy. Oh, now big is it in metres, including height! Oops, degree wasted a bit there.
Walking into a room.
Right the point, yes, right, err, oh
Yes. I'm typing, with my eyes 346mm away from the screen. Most, ok, some, of my attention is focused on the visual interaction of internetting and word ordering & aligning but it's the rest of my field of vision that generates a subconscious stimulus and thus today's blog-posting.
Now today, I was really suffering from a lack of sleep and that crap state of over tiredness. Nothing was really going in. Yes a stop at Starbucks annoyed me and made me twit a bit too much at once, but, really, the day was wasted as I wasn't mentally there. Then by chance of a house viewing (the garden & house are on the market: please buy, its great here), the patio furniture went out onto the, err, patio, drhh. So, I thought of looking on the internet and a bit of twittering outside. It has to be said; today's good weather also played a pivotal role. But what a relation. the laptop screen is still 345 or whatever mm's away but being in the 'garden office' was a relation, oh said that, hmm, a, amazing? Super? Super good? For the subconscious mind. now as this post has dragged on too long, I won't go on about the outside room I sat in, you know, the size, the temperature, the breeze the smell, but it did take my mind to a higher plane(plain?) of thought without my conscious being fully aware of the step up. I mean, look at all the white pixels I've made. Look at all the spatial awareness 'training' I remembered. Just sense my calmness and inter peace mental clarity.
A relation

...or, or. It could be A) the first windless sunny day in a long week? But still the peripheral thing works with that. Plus it was sunny yesterday but just too windy to sit outside. Or B) the caffeine from that bloody lukewarm brown piss from Starbucks I had 4 hours ago?

The answer? Well, I'm calm and controlled, so B's not it, is it?

...really mad with starbucks!

well, more just like, a bit peeved.
no, just a little annoyed.
maybe just wasting off-white pixels

If you follow me on twitter, then look at a pretty picture or something for about 2 minutes.
all I've done is cut and pasted my last 5 twits. Or tweets, whatever.

"Went into town earlier with the Momo. Did what we had to do then as we had some car-park time left, we nipped into Starbucks for a coffee... here's the rub: I had a macchiato. But what the hell is a macchiato? it's a bloody latte which in turn is a really bland milky...
...lukewarm, overpriced beverage, with can be yours in a stained, chipped mug for only 7pence short of £3. in the US, it's $2.43 or... ok price. but in the UK, it's a joke. yes we get BT opendoor or opengate but that's like saying you get hepB with your bad ugly tattoo... all in all, what's my point? nothing really but go to a greasy-spoon, hang out with some bikers, get a tattoo, just don't go to starbucks

Anyway. Rant over, let's get on with the real blog.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

...a first time blogger

Dear internet 2.0 users

'Today, I am...' starts here!

My sister blogs.
And I've been interested to start a blog for awhile now, but, well, it's not that I'm lazy, it just that, erm
I can't type as quickly as the fluff tumbles around in my head.
Until now.
Thanks to twitter.
And to be honest, I twit a bit too much for twitter these days so,
I'll blog, too
If that's OK with you?

Yours sincerely