Thursday 17 September 2009

...coming out as an actor. Really, you?

It's really strange, you know, the whole idea of acting.

It's one of those things I haven't really admitted to other people.

There's a couple of reasons for that. One, I haven't actually done anything to completely commit myself to this title but much more importantly is reason two. If you say you're an actor, it provokes strange looks and one of two main responses, so I've found. Firstly, the other people instantly wants you to perform, as if acting requires no preparation or material. I imagine it's the same for comedians; make me laugh, now. The other person wants you to perform Shakespeare or fall over or something. The second reaction is of a curtain level of dis-stain. A persumed amount of arrogance or ego.

I'm ok with people thinking i'm a bit of an egotist. I can imagine that when I'm not so talkative, I project a curtain arrogance, so that's fine. It's the other thing that worries me.

Do I have to go out with a rehearsed sketch or monologue, permanently etched into my brain? No, thank god. Well not in Glasgow. Thanks to a friend called Woody, she apparently reads this blog from time to time. Well, one of my blogs. Hope it's this one, the other one's about my car. Anyway, she told a number of my friends that I stated I was an actor. Well, that did it. Thankfully, no-one said it was beyond me, well, not to my face.

In a strange way, in a really good way, it lifted a weight of my shoulders.

I've told my mother and sister already. I admitted it to my partner, SL as soon as I did to myself. It was the idea of telling anyone else that was a big step. If I told my mother, sister and SL that I wanted to be a pink elephant, they'd support me all the way. Though the operations and the gene therapy and what ever else it took. It's telling others that's well, not so, er, easy.

Now, well, as it's out in the open, no more am-dram-closets to hide in, I better get on with it.

So, how exactly do you become an actor?

...I also write

Well, I say write:

But I also make art, well I say make:

But then I do drive, a lot...